Ferry ride from Patras to Venice.

The ferry leaves at 11:59 PM on Mon, Thu an Fri. It takes 2 nights and one day so my Monday night ferry is expected to arrive at 7 AM on Wednesday. I booked and paid for the ticket by phone on Friday with the central Superfast Ferry office while I was still in Astakos after an e-mail inquiry. I received 20% discount with my Czech rail discount card InKarta, but the online system or the ticketing office in Igoumenitza were not able to apply the discount. Bike is free on this ferry. There are 10 different categories of travel on the ferry. I choose the 4th best – 3 person outside cabin. I was lucky and it turned out I had the cabin all for myself with the window on the front side of the boat. We had one intermediate stop in Igoumenitza. I woke up and there was a bad storm with lightning. Lot of people camping on the deck had trouble. There was one bar, one self service restaurant and one gift shop on the ferry. I was also expecting a gourmet style restaurant but it was not there.
The weather was not nice but I still looked around, I saw Southern Albania, Corfu and it reminded me of my bike rides in these areas. The ferry was going about 40 kph. It was a very comfortable but not a speedy way to travel. My main motivation for the ferry was the ease of bike transport. The next section is Venice – Ostrava by bus and I will need to take the bike apart a put it in a travel bag.

This is not “my” ship, but it looked cool.
This is not “my” boat. It came in, turned and backed in to the dock.
Airlines may get inspired… 🙂


View from my cabin.
View from my cabin.


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