Stage 1, Loreto – Playa Buenaventura, 1/13/23

This was a long hard day on the bike. The total distance was 58 miles. However, the difficulty was not the distance but the headwind. I think I averaged just 9.3 mph. I stopped at a nice roadside restaurant to have a great lunch and refill water. This really helped me a lot. I went over some hills and rode on flats also. The nicest part was towards the end when I could see Bahia Concepcion and enjoy the views.

I reached Playa Buenaventura just a little bit after 4 to find out that the restaurant closed at 4. However, I was still able to secure lodging and one of the nice local residents gave me a bowl of soup with some bread and water. I was also able to get some beer from the restaurant, even though it was after hours. Since the restaurant was closed over the weekend, my plans for a rest day at Playa Buenaventura had to change. I decided to continue the next day to Mulege.

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