Stage 2, Playa Buenaventura – Mulegé, 1/14/23

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I was planning to rest in Playa Buenaventura. Because the restaurant in Playa Buenaventura is closed over the weekends, I decided to move on and ride to Mulege.

The ride was not long, there was no wind to write about 😀 and the sceneries were fantastic, as nice as the best segments of Croatia! Wow. Life was great.

I stopped at a roadside restaurant for brunch, I had an excellent Mexican omelette.
At the restaurant I ran into a snowbird couple from Bend, OR. They did a bike tour in jeans together in 1989 from Vancouver, BC to Tijuana, BCN. It went well for them, they got along well and they got married after the tour. Here they are a few decades later still together and smiling. Amazing!

I arrived in Mulege relatively early. I checked out a room in one hotel, I didn’t like it so much. I moved on. With the help of Google I found a small rustic hotel which I liked. I checked in, took a shower, had a beer, etc.

It was a good day.

Hotel patio

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