Stage 5, San Ignacio – Villa Alberto Andrés Alvarado Arámburo, 1/20/2023

As I mentioned in my previous blog my whale watching trip to San Ignacio Lagoon was canceled because of windy weather. I had to change plans. I decided to continue biking up north.

All was going well for a while, but as I got away from the oasis area, I realized why they canceled the whale watching. The wind really kicked in and I had strong headwind for most of the ride. It was quite painful to fight the wind on the endless open flat plane and watch the almost static mile count on the Garmin.

After more than 4.5 hours I reached the little town Villa Alberto Andrés Alvarado Arámburo. I found a budget road side hotel, it was not great 😊 but way better than riding in the wind. I went to the closest restaurant with very poor ambience. I had low expectations, but the beef fajitas and fish taco were one the best I had in Mexico so far. And I slept well even in the budget hotel.

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