Guerrero Negro, Whale Watching, 1/21 – 1/24/2023

I arrived in Guerrero Negro relatively early on Saturday. I looked at several hotels as I was riding through town. None of them look very appealing. At the end of the town in a residential neighborhood I went to an AirBnb and I decided to stay there. I was the only guest. The host pointed me to a whale touring company. I booked a tour with them for the next day. They agreed to pick me up. There was no restaurant nearby so I had to walk about a mile to town to have dinner.

After eating a nice breakfast in the house prepared by the host I was picked up by the touring company and went for a briefing to their headquarters. The total cost was $50. There were nine of us in the boat. From their headquarters they took us to the dock by a little bus. The tour took approximately three hours, and it was very interesting to see the whales. They are huge, but seem to be very mellow and calm. There were lots of whales out there. Better than words, are the videos that I added to this blog. At the end of the tour we received a bag lunch and they drove us back to town. The dock was about 15 minutes outside of town by the bus. All together it was very good.

There is a salt making company in town. It is very big. You can see a few pictures below. We drove by it on the way to the whale watching lagoon.

In the evening, I again walked to town for dinner. In the morning I got up and I was ready to leave town. However, I looked outside and it was gray and raining. I decided to stay another day and the host was flexible to let me stay. I went for a cake and a cappuccino. I goofed around the house and I worked on this blog. In the evening I am planning to go to another restaurant for dinner. It’s going to be a longer walk and hopefully I can leave tomorrow morning after spending a total of three nights here. The bed-and-breakfast place is very nice, and I essentially have it all for myself.

So close!
Seals on the way back.
Leaving the whale watching area
Leaving the whale watching area
Road back to town
Yellowtail dinner

Stage 6, Villa Alberto Andrés Alvarado Arámburo – Guerrero Negro, 1/21/2023

I was worried about the wind on this almost flat open plane stage. It was really windy in the morning when I got up. I got out of town and I had wind coming exactly from the right side. Pretty soon I reached a mellow, left hand turn and the crosswind turned into slight tailwind. It stayed like that for a long time. At some point there was almost no wind, and when I was approaching the Pacific, I got north west wind, which was essentially headwind for the last 5 miles or so. Overall no interesting scenery on the stage and it was not very difficult.