Stage 8, Villa Alberto Andrés Alvarado Arámburo – Bahia Asuncion, 1/25/2023

I knew I had a long day ahead of myself. I tried to get up early and also leave early. I managed to leave a little bit after 9 AM. The beginning of the ride was very boring with a flat long straight road and it got more interesting as I continued riding. The wind was in my favor for most of the ride and in some areas it was just perfect. However, around mile 50 I started to feel a little tired. I had a bottle of Coca-Cola regular with me and I was also eating some trail mix bars. There were a lot of interesting dead sea areas with salt close to the road. Towards the end I could also see mountains or hills on the horizon.
As I was riding this long stage with tailwind I was thinking how will I get back? I looked at website I think the winds may turn around on Saturday, so I’m hoping to take advantage of that but it’s a long shot at this point.
Thanks to the tailwind I arrived in Bahia Asunción relatively early. I went straight to the La Bufadora Inn and I got a room with a great view. More on Bahia Asunción is in my next blog.

Bahia Asuncion, 1/25 – 1/28/2023

Bahia Asuncion is a nice little village. I believe there’s about 3000 inhabitants there. I stayed at a place with a gorgeous view of the Pacific. The innkeepers at the inn where I stayed were very nice. We had dinner together all three nights and they took me out for an off-road trip in their jeep to some secluded beaches. It was very adventurous.
I visited two restaurants and one hamburger/hotdog place. There are several stores in Bahia Asuncion. Fishing is a popular activity. I stayed three nights, one day more than planned because I was waiting for good wind to get me back to the main highway from this remote location.
Overall, I would recommend Bahia Asuncion to anyone adventurous looking for a place off the beaten path.

View from my balcony – La Bufadora Inn